How To Display Crystals in Your Home – 10 Ways You Should Know

Crystals are great conduits to impart positive chi in your home. Yet when you buy numerous gemstones, you encounter a pesky problem – how to display crystals? 

But displaying crystals doesn’t have to be complex. We have compiled ten ways to display crystals that you wish you knew sooner. Our methods enable you to remain true to style while propagating positive energy in your home. Let us help you wow your visitors with unique crystal displays.

1. Display in the Garden

Incorporating crystals into your garden not only offers beautiful decor, but can provide healing properties to sick plants, attract colorful butterflies through their reflective warm surfaces, and give your garden the perfect energy it requires to create a meditative space.  

Pair up your healing crystal with jasmine or chrysanthemums for the ultimate double act décor. Place clear quartz throughout your garden to promote growth and healing. In addition, quartz placed near tomato plants may help resist common pests and disease.

Other crystals to incorporate into your garden, whether as large accent pieces or small bordering guides, include tiger’s eye which promotes strong root growth, malachite which aids in new growth and fertility, and moss agate that brings health and vitality to your unique space.

2. Place in Potted Plants

Potted plants can be tricky to manage. They require careful attention and consistent care to adapt to their surroundings. However, healing stones may help your plants absorb the extra energy they need. Much like in the garden, potted plants can benefit from the energies of crystals.

Try adding some green aventurine as a fill for your container plants when repotting. Not only does this offer additional drainage, but it absorbs negativity and reduces stress that could lead to transplant shock when potting new plants. If you want to see your potted plant thrive, incorporate agate under the soil to promote overall health and fertility.

If you have hanging potted plants, try stringing some amethyst above your plant. This not only adds a beautiful touch to your hanging pot, but it also promotes purity, protection, and peace which will give your plant the perfect environment to flourish. 

3. Crystal Terrarium

Bowl-shaped designs never go out of style. Terrarium crystal bowls improve conventional bowl designs. The earthy crystal terrarium displays exude a unique Bohemian style. 

You can find terrarium displays online. Many exhibitions employ a prism shape. Crafting your crystal terrarium is the best option. The design can represent your unique style if you get it right. 

Buy a geodesic-styled terrarium container. Add plants and ocean stones to complete the display. You can add a bulb or illuminated base for superior aesthetics.

The bowls can sit anywhere on your foray or dining table. Ensure you use high-grade glass for tenacity

4. In-Bottle Designs

A relatively new concept that we like is the in-bottle design. The latest trend uses trash bottles to form showcases. A designer cuts the bottles into different shapes. You can customize the bottles with liquid crystal molecules for the ultimate liquid display. Clear bottles with reflective surfaces are the best. 

The in-design bottle is suitable for small-sized rare healing gemstones.

Window ledges and dining tables are the perfect spots for exhibiting the bottles. You can suspend the crystals in the bottle. Alternatively, place them at the base of the bottle. Use a matching hue stopper to enhance the design.

5. Knob Designs

A classic two-in-one feature is a crystal knob. Drawer knobs and light switches can form the perfect surfaces. Divide the gems into smaller pieces to spread out the energy. Ensure you have a professional cut the stones for you.

Healing crystals absorb the energies around them. The proximity of the stones synergizes the vibes each stone exudes. Amp up the life force energies with knob designs. Use only scratch-resistant stones to incorporate into the handles.

Remember that knob designs don’t scream, “Look at me.” The style may be appropriate for minimalistic individuals who want to keep their space energized.

6. Wall-Mounted Crystals

Whitewashed box compartments for crystal gems are alluring. The design is simple yet elegant. In equal measure is a wall-mounted crystal display. You embed the crystals directly into the wall. Alternatively, you can fix them with a matching shade adhesive accessory.

Clear quartz, smoky quartz, selenite, and apophyllite are the best gems to mount for a top-notch energy muse. The stones pick up and reflect light to catch a visitor’s eye. They also evoke excellent moods for your family. Try this style with the best reflective crystals. 

7. Rotating Organization

Healing crystals should be at the heart of your home. There is a wide range of various healing crystals. However, many complement each other. Therefore, it is prudent to have sets of different gems. 

Rotating organizers display your sets in futuristic displays. They turn according to the underlying geometric configurations. The best-in-class rotating organizers are metallic or wooden. 

Buy one with a well-polished background to shift the focus to the stones. You can also opt for those with a well-polished background to shift the focus to the stones. However, you can try velvet, ceramic, and other custom trims for style diversity.

8. Framed Gemstones

Framed crystals are a subset of the in-case displays. The contrast is that you have a picture frame instead of a simple case. Your creativity only limits the frame options. You can choose accent pieces to adorn the woodwork.

Mount the framed beauties alongside your family pictures. However, be careful with customization options. Some gemstones have better exhibitions without customization. Others blend with different gems. 

Howlite and quartz accentuate the energies in the room. The two stones may be a perfect combination to apply.

A major pro is you can switch the frames. Add a different surrounding, and you have a table-based display. You can reprogram the edges continuously to suit your evolving aesthetic style.

9. Standing Displays

Statement pieces require premium space. Usually, such crystals are enormous. Standing displays put to good use the available space. You can have pronged stands or pedestals to support the gems. However, the most common are altar exhibitions. 

The statement pieces emanate far-reaching frequencies. Ensure you place them at the center or corners of the room to balance the energies. Sonali Sanjuan, a healing crystal expert, points out the importance of frequency balance.

Standing displays ensure optimal frequency balance for a positive, holistic vibe. The stands are available for popular stones like black tourmaline and amethyst. First-rate standing displays use a mirror casing that provides much-needed protection.

10. DIY Crafts

Our final method adopts a different approach. We love creativity. Our innate nature is to better existing designs or develop better newer ones. 

DIY gemstone displays leverage your creativity. Liquid crystal display, crystal mirrors, crystal grids, and bookends are some options. 

Don’t worry if you don’t have an iota of an idea. Pinterest posts can aid you in developing better iterations of the display styles. Online stores also provide easy-to-assemble DIY cases

how to display crystals

Where should crystals be placed in a room?

Some gemstones require more prime space than others. An initial consideration is the weight and size of the crystal. Heavy rocks can’t sit on shelves. Standing displays are efficacious for storing such crystals. 

Whittling down to the specific storage site can be daunting. However, you would want the living room crystals such as selenite on a coffee table. The windowsill is equally good. In the kitchen, place the crystals on the food garnishing table. Try to place the gems equidistant from each other in different rooms.

Keep the stones away from too much sunlight and water. Hydro oxidation gives the crystal rust and enervates its powers. 

What crystals should not be in your bedroom?

Your bedroom is a haven for tranquility, peace, and sleep! Crystals that jeopardize the serenity of your bedroom are:

  • Turquoise
  • Moldavite
  • Carnelian
  • Citrine
  • Blue lace agate
  • Lapis lazuli

Rose quartz, moonstone, and amethyst are the perfect sleep enhancers. You can place a gem under your pillow for a dreamy, peaceful sleep. A general rule of thumb is to avoid high-frequency vibration gemstones in your bedroom. Read a room-by-room guide to select the appropriate crystals for each space. More importantly, consider the energy responses of the people you share your bedroom with.

How do you decorate with crystals?

Mount crystal on the wall as a start. DIY crafts also make perfect decorations. Dress up plain lamp bases. Also, geode designs are a thing. There is no set-in-stone method for bedecking with crystals.

Multifaceted surfaces form the best framework for decorating with gems. Use adhesives or drill the holders into the exterior edges. But don’t do it if you suspect you can do a subpar exhibition. Instead, use color-coded frames and cases to match the crystal’s energy and hue.

Try different styles to see which one is most aesthetically pleasing to you. Explore more decorating ideas on Pinterest. 

Final Thoughts

The above ways of displaying crystals in your home solve the optimal organization and practicality conundrum. We provide better ways to store crystals instead of your usual throw-and-go spots. Turn your house into a home with our inimitable displays.

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